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Sunday, April 19, 2020

who really built the pyramids and how - ScienceNerds

The pyramids aren't impressive, the tallest pyramid is over 481 feet tall and was built by a massive labour force who believed their leader to be a God and  The Ryugyong Hotel is located in North Korea where it is stood incomplete for decades this hotel of doom holds the Guinness world record for the tallest unoccupied building in the world and still wasn't built by aliens, the Pyramids of Giza, by comparison, are significantly shorter but still extremely impressive while they're only slightly larger than the bases.


The Pyramids of Giza are the oldest of the seven wonders of the world the Great Pyramid was completed around the Year 2560 BCE and was the tallest building in the world for nearly four thousand years it's made from 2.3 million blocks of stones some weighing as much as 70 metric tons apiece and the blocks were somehow carried across the desert by a civilization that had yet to invent the wheel so they must have been built by aliens right and the most common claims of this nature don't come from actual architects historians or archaeologists but from New Age nonsense books like Chariots of the Gods and conspiracy theorists like David Icke who claimed that the pyramids were built by reptilian aliens many of whom are now living among us as devious world leaders now.

David Icke made this claim after having a spiritual revelation after standing in a stone circle and feeling the Kundalini align his chakras telling him that he was the son of a god and as much as I appreciate the analogy of all politicians being inbred blood-sucking reptiles, Icke actually means this literally see here's the catch people like David Icke make out like we don't have this, his clue about how the pyramids were made and that's flat-out, not true we may have a few missing puzzle pieces with competing theories to explain them but we actually know quite a lot here's what we do know if you want to build an impressive structure there are two ways,

You can build up or out if you're building up the easiest most stable design is in fact a pyramid wide-base, narrow-top the Egyptian Empire was the greatest civilization in the world at the time was extremely religious and was fascinated with life after death the Pharaoh was considered a god and the pyramids were these sacred resting places for these divine rulers some Christians and Jews claimed that the Israelites built the pyramid citing claims in the Old Testament of Jewish slavery in Egypt whether or not the Jews were ever slaves in Israel or the Exodus story ever happened is entirely irrelevant to this question because even if the biblical timeline is 100%accurate according to it, the Jews relocated to Israel after Joseph was exiled there and what we know from detailed Egyptian records genealogies and modern dating techniques that's a thousand years after the pyramids were built Genesis also mentions chariots riding in front of Joseph which could have been athing in 1500 BCE but at the time the pyramids were built a millennium earlier the Egyptians hadn't even discovered the wheel yet not that the Bible has ever been historically accurate.

The Pyramids at Giza date back to over 200 years before the Bible claims that Noah was hopping on an ark and yet the Egyptians continued working on their monuments right up through the flood recording every step of the way and the mummies preserved from that time and earlier shown no signs whatsoever of flood damage, no the pyramids weren't built by Jewish slaves and it wasn't aliens, they were built by over 20,000 highly-skilled specialized crafts-men we know this from paintings hieroglyphics as well a sex caveated burial sites and remnants of the nearby construction, town archaeologists have discovered the village that housed the workers, who built these monuments 4,500 years ago some of the workers it appears were conscripted similar to a military draft and while there was a hierarchy for the workers working on the pyramid at all was considered a respected occupation of national importance.

The skeletons of the workers have been analyzed in show signs of hard labour but they also received the state-of-the-art medical care they were fed a diet of meat, bread and beer, not a typical slave diet the excavation even shown that the workers were not slaves as it was once believed they were proud to serve their Pharaoh and accompany him on his journey to the afterlife and they were given honorary burials in the shadow of the pyramid.

Haaw, as I was surprised at the elaborate nature of these tombs they do not look like humble burial grounds for slaves the people who built the pyramids were his slaves there will never be the parent in the shadow of the pyramid, if there were slaves they will never prepare their tools for eternity like kings and queens, so we know who built them the Egyptians but how were they built well, the pyramids were built right next to the limestone quarries their rocks were pulled from we know this because the quarries are still there the Egyptians used copper tools to chip away at the rocks we've analysed their tools and found that an impurity in the copper actually made the tool stronger than you would find with pure copper.

The rocks from these quarries were then hauled to the pyramids on wooden sledges with  workers in front wetting the sand with water from the Nile to make the sand slick for the sledges the support stone above the internal King's Chamber where the Pharaoh was buried was a much stronger granite stone, this was quarried further down, the Nile was transported upriver on boats it was cut by pouring sand on the rock and sliding a copper saw back and forth across it's sunk but it's the Corpse crystals within the sound which embed themselves into the softer copper and because the saws dragging those crystals that would have fought within the flop that actually does the cutting, it took a lot longer to cut but remember it was just the support stones, not the entire pyramid that's what we know,
now, we get a little closer to the realm of speculation with professional calculations and educated guesses while some people have proposed elaborate floatation devices and water systems that floated the rocks to the top of the pyramids this is extremely unlikely would require hydraulic pumps massive waterproof systems huge locking mechanisms and almost a more complicated system than the entire pyramid itself, others claim the blocks report like concrete but why would they quarry limestone rocks that are exactly the size of the ones used in the pyramid and drag them all the way to the pyramid if they're pouring blocks of natural concrete that are indistinguishable from limestone.

Others have speculated one long ramp on the outside but this one either be too steep or so long that it would need as much material to build as the pyramid itself, possible but maybe not the best solution.

French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin proposed a small seven-degree ramp leading part l way up the pyramid and then internal ramps wrapping around the inside, his ramp would enable limestone blocks to be hauled to the very top 146 meters up he believed the ramp would never have more than a 7% incline because otherwise, it would be too steep for dragging up the stones, notches at each right angle would allow the stones to be turned and also provide ventilation for the tunnels.

This theory held much promise and early basic scans of the pyramids seemed to indicate that he may be on to something but more recent muon scans of the pyramids seemed to refute at least the internal ramp part of this hypothesis, computer scientists have come up with models for various types of external ramps and abetter understanding of the inside makeup of the pyramid may lead to promising future understandings.

Lastly, there's the possibility that the Egyptians use ropes and lovers similar to the techniques, while it may seem absurd at first bear in mind that leveraging a few simple techniques can allow one person alone to lift absolutely gigantic rocks as demonstrated by the guy who single-handedly recreated his own Stonehenge.

Conclusion - 

Egyptians had an army of over 20,000 skilled craftsmen and specialized workers this isn't just about one guy, personally I don't know those are just a few possibilities and I would love to hear what you think in the comments below but now back to what we do know the Egyptians didn't start by building the Great Pyramid they began with smaller more basic stepped pyramids and as they mastered their techniques they built bigger and better monuments, they didn't use slaves or dinosaurs and unlike what we would expect if the pyramids were built by highly advanced aliens, the Egyptian process was trial and error, the earliest smooth pyramids were too steep, one of them collide from the weight distribution and when the weight of another pyramid caused the ground below it to sink slightly and crack some of the stones the workers realize that the weight would be too heavy for the support rocks so they changed the plans and from that point up they decrease the angle slightly lowering the total amount of weight bearing down on the king's chamber support stones that's not a mistake a hyper advanced alien species would make because no matter how complicated you think a stack of rocks in the desert is I guarantee you that an inter galactic spaceship is exponentially more high-tech and besides why would aliens traverse the galaxy just to stack up nature's Legos on a giant sand pit and stuff it with a human corpse and if the pyramids were built by extra-terrestrials as spacecraft as some ancient alien crackpots speculate why are they built using the heaviest material and the least aero dynamic shape possible and if they're built to transfer energy somehow why are they made of limestone and not something electromagnetic most peopledon't realize just how many written records we have from ancient Egypt and they'd love to point to one or two pieces of art and extrapolate entire crackpot theories from that one of the sepieces of evidence UFOlogist put forth for the pyramids extraterrestrial construction is this depiction of the pharaoh Akhenaten, what is up with his head it's gotta be alien until you look at some of the dozens of other depictions of him and realize that it's just a hat an exaggerated drawing of theEgyptian pharaohs crown which was already long. 
