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Sunday, April 12, 2020

What is Elon Musk's Starlink Mission? - ScienceNerds

SpaceX's CEO ElonMusk's new Starlink Network project be about to change this blasted off from a Falcon 9 rocket. musk successfully launched the first 60 satellites of thousands that were deployed in the hope to eventually provide low-cost high-performance internet access anywhere in the world, it essentially means rebuilding the Internet but this time in space, so how will Starlink work and when can we expect to benefit from it !?

Elon Musk is working to revolutionizing the internet by building a global communication system that will blanket the world in Wi-Fi. he plans to send a mega constellation of nearly 12,000 satellites into outer space which will orbit above the earth and provide Internet connectivity to the surface below, it could be in a jungle in South America and if you had just an internet link somehow you could you'd have access to all of humanity's information so it actually effectively created a superorganism. it's an ambitious project that will aim to provide Internet to every region of the planet the mega constellation will be broken into two, the first being sent to a slightly higher altitude and compromising a 4409 satellites and the second made up of seven thousand 518it's so ambitious but it essentially means sending up half the satellites of in the next six years in the hope that StarLink will be operating to some capacity by 2020. Before today's launch musk initially tested to SatrLink satellites which had been propelled into space but didn't actually reach operational orbit despite this though must be claimed that the two tests were showing latency low enough to play fast response video games so what do we know about the satellite! well, each one weighs around 385 kilograms and we use lasers to communicate with each other they'll also have an expected lifespan of about 5 years after which time they'll be manually brought out of orbit but you don't need to worry about any space junk dropping out of the sky as the company claims they'll burn up as they return to Earth's atmosphere while satellite internet has been around for a while the ones currently sitting in space at 22,000 miles high over the equator and with the distance that long it's meant connectivity for us Earthlings are unreliable and slow.

I thought the internet would be something that would dramatically affect the future of humanity would be like acquiring a nervous system and where as previously communication would have to occur almost by osmosis and if musk manages to meet his goal the new initiative could give the world internet speeds that around 40 times faster than what we're expecting now and it won't matter whether you're in the middle of a city or deep in monkey jungle but with all this potential for a faster way for the world to communicate it's perhaps no wonder that the competition from rival companies is heating up spacex is so far managed to keep styling technology from its research and development to serious mass production under wraps but the Federal Communications Commission or the FCC has also approved request from the likes of one web Teles at and Amazon to establish big satellite internet constellations of their own, the world has limited to no communications at all and one web is designed it's a big project but one web is designed to bring internet access right to the schools and right to the places in the most rural of environments. high-speed Internet access 50 megabits per second,30 milliseconds latency so it's identical to a cable modem without being constrained having to live in the city the total cost of the starLink initiative is an estimated seven point eight (7.8) billion which will cover the cost of each launch of a falcon 9 rocket but to receive just minor internet connection here on earth spacex would have to send up six more launches of sixty satellites while moderate coverage would mean twelve and while this time the launch took place on a falcon 9 rocket SpaceX also has ambitions of getting its colossal starship rocket ready that could one day take Falcon nines placestar ship was inspired by the 1954adventure of comic book hero and if the spacecraft is ready by 2020 is hoped it may be able to deploy hundreds of StarLink satellites at any one time it's not known yet just how much it will cost people to use the StarLink network but musk has previously said is likely to be a relatively cheap way for three billion people who don't already have internet access to get online but it's not just about connecting everyone on earth as the company also has a more self-serving goal of generating enough cash from Starlink to help fund Musk's lifelong ambition of building a future city on mars a relatively small number of people from earth would want to go but enough would want to go and who can afford the trove that it would happen just weather the company's 12,000satellites StarLink mega constellation will determine the future of Internet remains to be seen so for the time being we'll have to suffer with unreliable internet just a little bit long.


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