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Monday, January 6, 2020

BlackHole Image - ScienceNerds

The first-historically picture of a region situated at the centre of the Messier 87 galaxy, somewhere in the range of 55 million light-years far away from our little planet. 

The first image of a black hole
The first image of a black hole

On 10th April 2019, at a news conference around the world, analysts disclosed the essential visual proof – an image of a supermassive district. The above picture shows the aftereffect of explores directed over a couple of years with a universal joint effort. 

As we know, a black hole is an extremely dense object in the space, which doesn't let the light pass through it, so the question is how can we see or capture the image without light?
The scientists built up an astounding refined logical coordinated effort called the Event Horizon Telescope.

Katie Bouman

An American computer scientist named Katherine Louise Bouman working in the field of computer imagery, who led the event of an algorithm for imaging black holes referred to as Continuous High-resolution Image Reconstruction using Patch priors (CHIRP), and was a member of the Event Horizon Telescope team that captured the primary image of a region.
The data pieces collected from the Event Horizon Telescope are used to recreate the image using CHIRP Algorithms.

However, the prediction of the existence of the black hole is made back in 1915 in the theory of general relativity proposed by Albert Einstein, having earlier shown that gravity does influence light's motion.

predicted image of  Blackhole
predicted image of  Blackhole

The Mathematic formulations and advanced technologies are appreciable, the resemblance between predicted and the original images of a black hole is the proof of human intelligence and capability of doing greater things.

illustration created by Jean-Pierre Luminet in 1979
illustration created by Jean-Pierre Luminet in 1979.
