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Monday, October 14, 2019

Time travel - ScienceNerds

Time Travel

is the concept of travelling between fixed points in the timeline, comparable in certain respects to movement between different points in spacetime by an object or person, typically employing a hypothetical device known as a time machine. Time travel may be a well-known concept in philosophy and fiction.

spacetime curvature

can we make time travel?

However, making one body advance or delay quite a couple of milliseconds compared to a different body isn't feasible with current technology. As for backwards time travel, it's possible to seek out solutions generally relativity that leaves it, but the solutions require conditions which will not be physically possible.

Travel into the future or past ?!

Travel into the past is maybe impossible, whether or not it was possible, its argued that travelling back in time is done only up to the instant machine was built, not a flash before it.
                 But travel to the future lets see it...
Who are time travellers?
Is there any time Traveler among us?

Definitely, we all are time travellers, travelling through the present of your time in space at the speed of 1 hour per hour.

Ways of travelling to the future:

Speed: This approach is the easiest and practical to go to the future. According to Einstein's Theory of special theory of relativity, once we travel at the speed almost the speed of sunshine, the time slows down for you relative to the outside world.

And the closer you get to the speed of sunshine, the more extreme the time-travel and eventually At the speed of sunshine the time stops.

Gravity: According to Einstein's general relativity the stronger the gravity you feel the slower the time moves.
Wormholes: Wormholes are known as the shortcuts through spacetime, which might be able to bridge distances of a billion light-years or more or different points in time.
              Many physicists, including Hawking, believe wormholes are constantly popping in and out of existence at the quantum scale, far smaller than atoms. The trick would be to capture one and inflate it to human scales - a feat that might require an enormous amount of energy, but which could just be possible, in theory.

    Attempts to prove this either way have failed, ultimately due to the incompatibility between the general theory of relativity and quantum physics.

    Is time travel a paradox?

    A causal loop may be a paradox of your time travel that happens when a future event is that the explanation for a past event, which successively is that the explanation for the longer-term event. Both events then exist in spacetime, but their origin can't be determined.

    1.Grandfather Paradox :

    The grandfather paradox encompasses any change to the past, and it's presented in many variations. Physicist John Garrison et al. give a variation of the paradox of an electronic circuit which sends a symbol through a machine to shut itself off, and receives the signal before it sends it.

    2.Casual Loop :

    A causal loop may be a paradox of your time travel that happens when a future event is that the explanation for a past event, which successively is that the explanation for the future event. Both events then exist in spacetime, but their origin can't be determined. A causal loop may involve an occasion, an individual or object, or information.

    3.Fermi's Paradox :

    The Fermi paradox is often adapted for time travel, and phrased if time travel were possible, where are all the visitors from the future? well, some people claiming to be the visitors from a particular point within the past to some saying that travelling through the time isn't possible practically and is simply a theoretical concept.
     4.Newcomb's Paradox : 
    maybe a thought experiment showing a transparent contradiction between the expected utility principle and thus the strategic dominance principle. The thought experiment is typically extended to explore causality and discretion by allowing "perfect predictors": if perfect predictors of the long run exist, as an example if time travel exists as a mechanism for creating perfect predictions, then perfect predictions appear to contradict discretion because decisions apparently made with discretion are already known to the proper predictor.


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